On vacation here up at the lake and decided to pop into the forum. I couldn't resist commenting on this thread.
There was a time in my not to distant past when I dedicated about 2 hours a day to training - for sevral years. I was on a competive sports team which required getting literally every muscle in my body built and my physique ripped.
I can't strictly say that I was body building rather I was simply trying to make my body as finely tuned as possible for my optimal performance. As a side efffect I looked like a body builder.
I met many others in the gym who had the physique of the bodybuilder some were dumb as can be but very nice people nevertheless. Others were very aggressive (especially at Gold's Gym which was a haven for steroid use). Many bodybuilders that I met are very nice people and I formed friendships with them that I still keep up today. I'll give two examples which obviously shatter the stereotype: One (who is one of the finest physically tuned individuals I have ever seen) has his masters degree in the Arts, is the kindest persons you'll ever know, and he is a journalist for a newspaper who reports on live theatre. Another is a women who is a Mom to 3 grown kids. She is in her mid forties, bright, intellectual and a very fine person who is now completing her doctorate.
One possibility that one should consider is that when a male spends considerable time building their physique they become much more aware of their strengths versus other's weakness - especially women. This is a biproduct of working out in a gym setting with many others who, in many cases, are only there for a month in the spring or after a fattening festival like Thanksgiving or Christmas. In some men this can promote an idea that they should stand up for the weaker where possible - kind of like chivalry. This may explain your son's defensive role rather than aggressive. However, in most cases with the bodfybuilder it never comes to blows as jerks tend to also be cowards and are very intimidated by muscle. Over the course of several years I had the opportunity to stand up for a number of people and it never came to blows - not once (perhaps I was lucky). Perhaps your sons are not being as defesive as they claim? Perhaps the alcohol was factor (for all parties involved)? Perhaps they could bulk up some more so that others will think twice before striking them?
I don't think this is the case with your kids but have a talk with them to make sure that steroids are not involved. Steroids are rampant in bodybuilding circles and cause aggressive and obnoxious behavior. They also destroy the liver and can lead to premature death.